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Showing posts with label age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label age. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 February 2022

How do i stop myself getting old.?

How to protect yourself from getting old?

 Every living thing has a system called the immune system. In the human body, it is a system whose all external threats are countered by the means. It would not be bad if called it body police. these are always ready in our bodies for external attacks.

Man of every age has longed for everlasting youth, old age, and death, but still in one form or another. It has been researched and tested in different periods but mostly failed. In this article, I will tell you about the recent research and at the end, I will tell you about my personal opinion and some personal research. And also about the things that affect a person more when he is old.

According to a recent report, Israeli scientists have reported in report and also found things that weaken a person's immune system. According to an Israeli Institute of Technology, Israel, they have discovered the factors that Weaken the human immune system. According to the Techno Israel Institute of Technology, scientists have stated that every human being has (B cells) called (B lymphocytes). These B lymphocytes are found in the bone marrow and their job is to fight the virus. B lymphocytes are always alert and wait for the virus to enter the lump node and spleen through the blood.

And when the virus enters, they attack it immediately. If a person is young, B cells are formed in large quantities. If a person is old, these B cells are formed in small quantities, so the immune system of old people is weakened and they get more diseases.
According to research, B-cells have a shorter lifespan, but one of its characteristics is that they do not disappear and are converted into memory cells. When infected, they recover faster because of those memory cells. According to scientists, the cause has been discovered that prevents the formation of new B cells in the bone marrow. Experiments have also been performed on some older people And soon drugs will be developed that will help in the production of B cells.

David Sinclair  He is a scientist with a Ph.D. from New South Wales and a postgraduate degree from an American university. The subject was also why we get old. He also wrote a book LIFESPAN on the subject of old age, which refuted the notion that old age was inevitable. According to Mr. Sinclair, we consider old age to be an incurable disease, but it is possible to cure it, and it is possible to get rid of it. ۔ According to Mr. Sinclair, if a person changes his attitude and behavior, he can significantly increase his age. According to him, if we do not change our thinking then medicine can prolong our life for some time. Many similar types of research have been done and are still going on today but one scientific study has also revealed that the secret of longevity is to avoid mental stress. If mental stress is negative then it has negative effects on the body. Which harms the body. There is some research and hope that we will succeed very soon but there are some things that have a huge impact on our lives we don't even know and yet they weaken us.

The idea of ​​accepting old age is that one should not prepare for old age. When we prepare ourselves, then old age is the ego. We can write only when we are already ready, if we are not ready to write Then we can write something but not much. In this way, we come prepared and prepare ourselves. If we give up this preparation we can retain our youth to a great extent. Don't always prepare your mind for the fact that I am old and can't do it anymore. You will remain young until you consider yourself old. If the brain is given the message of youth, then it will give the message of youth to the body.

Be happy: Learn to be happy all the time. It has been observed that people who are happy in life have a long life. Can do There is a big difference between the decision of a happy person and a worried person. Happiness gives energy to a person and gives strength. Therefore, happiness plays a vital role in strengthening the body's immune system.

Exercise: Exercise is one of the secrets of longevity. We are alive because of movement. If movement stops then life also ends. As if movement is necessary for life. Have you ever thought that children are in motion all the time, they keep on running, playing, digging, they just keep on doing something? That is why they remain fresh. Yes, fresh blood is formed and the mental condition is also fine, but when they step into youth, their speed slows down, and then in old age it slows down even more. This proves that the role of movement is more in a long and good life.

Natural food: For a healthy and long life, it is important to focus on pure natural foods. Artificial foods cannot compete with natural foods.

Outing: Refreshment is refreshing. But the fun that makes you feel fresh and happy. Which gives you peace of mind and peace of heart. The effects of living and working in one place are not always good. The effects of a little change in life are good.

Oxygen: We cannot survive without oxygen. It is a vital part of life and the more we get, the better. Oxygen could reach. If breathing is practiced through the nose, one of the benefits is that a good amount of fresh air will reach the brain. Which will be refreshing in the brain.